Aku Wanita Biasa

Aku urang Sarawak, tapi bukan urang Kuching..

Tentang Aku

Aku urang Sarawak tapi bukan urang Kuching...berjantinakan perempuan sejak dilahirkan..suka bloya..suka ngerepak..mun ko rs bes..joinla blog aku...sbb Aku Wanita Biasa yg suka berblog juak.

About Me

I'm a Sarawakian but does not originate from Kuching...a female since i was born..a talkative and loves to babble a lot..if u think u r det great..do join my blog..because i'm juz an Ordinary Woman, who also likes to blog.

Cadbury vs Cadbaby

Isu hangat terkini dan tersensasi..coklat cadbury yg dikatakan ada dna babi...and in d end..disahkan halal semula....

Pendapat aku?..
ada babi-->berhenti makan....
Halal--> makan jk
Was2--> jgn mkn!

Apa yg org bising2 smpe nk tukar darah n mintak samak mulut indah...this is a disgrace to all Muslims. .and it shows how ignorant of some people about their own religion...they had reflected this holy religion as being too strict n no flexibility n most of all..no mercy to the believers...
Sedangkan..hakikatnya..Islam itu mudah..(even ko termakan babi bena pn..mun dh xsengaja n ko x
tauk..ko xbdosa!)...cukup2laa bwk bertaubat dgn Tuhan...bknnya mengamok bagai org tiada agama...

Thn ini..regardless of the cadbury halalness issue...kek lapis india tetap jd pilihan aku utk raya thn ini...utk org2 'sana' yg was2 n masih lagi mtk samak...tolonglah rujuk dgn alim ulamak..bkn ustaz n ustazah fesbuk...

Nyaman eh..
Apa salah kmk?
kek lapis india...nyum2.

the BiRthDaY giRL

Actually..i juz dunno how to start my post...should i type it happily..or should i be sad..because i'm feeling both..

i'd turned 30!..

gosh..what had i achieved during these 30 years?...

well..let me see....i went to a small kindergarten..a primary school...living with granny..went to secondary school..travel to Taiwan..travel to Brunei...went for matriculation..being a university student..had my industrial training at a big company..got my degree...jobless for a year.....travel main city in borneo..working as a lecturer...get married...being a wife..then being a mother.....

and i had done that in 30 years...how about you?

i felt happy and blessed because as a woman..i had complete the cycle of being a woman...and for that..i thank God Almighty for giving me a good parent..a good husband and a lovely daughter....

i also felt sad and scare because the number is getting larger..larger number means bigger responsibilty..and greater challenge...and i felt that i'm not ready for that..how i wish i can turn back time to become a 17 yrs old girl...

but..no matter what and how i feel..i cant stop the time..but i can cherish every moment in my life and appreciating everything in front of me....never take things for granted anymore...give more love..

hepi birthday to myself..the Ordinary Lady...........may Allah bless my life....

Resepi: Nasi Afghan ala Aku...

Holaaaa!!it's labour day....dulu2 kalau terjemahan bahasa melayu..kita panggil Hari Buruh....soo...Selamat Hari Buruh!.....
ohh..ohh..sgt tdk sesuai bunyinya.......tp xpelah...yg penting..bkn itu aku punya topik hr ni...

topik aku hr ni is about FOOD!!!.....yeayy....dh lm xshare resepi kt cni...so hr ni aku nk share resepi ringkas utk hidangan mkn tghari,tgh mlm or potluck kt opis korg....tahap kerajinan yg diperlukan adalah sederhana sahaja.....dan masa PENYEDIAAN ialah maksimum 30 mins....masa MENUNGGU ialah lbh kurg 1 jam..(depend dgn periuk korang tebal ke x)....

ehhh..lupa pulak nk introduce nama hidangan ni...NASI AFGHAN...walaupun ada byk cara lain nk masak nasi ni...tp resepi ni ialah Nasi Afghan ala Aku Wanita Biasa......jom tgk bahan2:

1. 3 pots beras
2. 1 peha ayam dipotong sederhana
3. setengah ulas bwg besar
4. 2 sudu serbuk jintan putih
5. 2 sudu serbuk jintan manis
6. 1 sudu serbuk jintan hitam
7. 4 biji buah pelaga (ketuk)
8. 1 sudu serbuk lada hitam
9. Sebungkus kecil almond ( kalau nk byk..terpulang)
10. Kismis hitam (kuantiti kismis terpulang kt korang)
11. 1 biji lobak merah dipotong pjg2 2 inci dan direbus seminit dan ditoskan
12. 2 sudu besar gula
13. Air secukupnya utk masak nasi
14. garam secukupnya
15. minyak masak

Cara masak:

1. Tumis bawang besar dgn minyak hingga naik bau.lps tu masukkan ayam yg dh ditoskan dan kacau rata..masukkan 2 cawan air utk membolehkan ayam masak.tambah garam secukupnya.
2.jika ayam dh hampir masak, masukkan jintan2 tadi beserta serbuk lada hitam dan kacau hingga pekat...pastikan sampai kaler brown2 ckit..kalau xcukup gelap brown die, leh tambah browning sugar atau kicap.
3. lepas tu baru masukkan beras yg dh ditos td..kacau perlahan2...supaya ramuan tu bercampur rata dgn beras....kemudian,barulah masukkan air secukupnya utk menanak nasi ni...( hati2, takut terlebih air nnti nasi lembik..aku guna beras basmathi dgn lbh kurg 12 cawan air)
*lain beras,lain sukatan...
4. lepas masukkn air, kacau perlahan2 dan barulah tutup periuk.kalau korang nk masak guna rice cooker pn blh...juz pindahkan je beras yg dh digaul dlm periuk td dlm rice cooker...n tekan suis..tunggu hingga masak....xplu risau nasi hangus...

5.sementara tunggu nasi masak, panaskan minyak pada kuali kecil yang lain. masukkan lobak,kismis,almond dan gula tadi.guna api kecil dan kacau hingga gula dh mencair dan kismis dh mengelembung bulat2....( yg ni aku cadangkan bagi manis ckit sbb br ade lawan dgn nasi nnti)

6. jika nasi dh masak, masukkan campuran kismis,almond,lobak dan gula td dlm periuk dan gaul rata.....
7. voilaaaa!! nasi afghan anda dh sedia utk dihidangkan!

selamat mencuba resepi nasi afghan ala aku wanita biasa!!


"Tulah cina tk! Makan babi depan aku!"

Warning: This post may cause uneasiness to some people..Read, if u think u won't be affected...

I used to ignore everything about politics..i used to ignore any political gags....Some may said i'm a naive....some may said...well..."you're a Sarawakian..dets y u r like det".....yes...i may be naive in politic..i may be a toddler in politics or even a fetus in political agenda...but..what i know and still clinging to are much bigger than political agenda...what i'm holding rite now is sumting that are more important than any political manifestos....

The suffocating political climate right now


Do you still remember...how were your first day in school when u 're still a child?...well..if u don't..let me rewind it for u....
You felt a bit insecure...sensing and perceiving every new things around you....mummy's not here...daddy's not here....or maybe....they were there..but only for a while....the first thing your teacher will ask u to do is...to introduce yourself...(different school may hv different approach...but ice-breaking definitely a must!).......what i want to point out is...the main purpose for the ice-breaking is to enable you to make friends.....you open up yourself to others...to see the existence of you....to recognize yourself and your friends.........then.....you called yourself a FRIEND to someone you juz knew.....and that's when sumting called FRIENDSHIP started......

Unity....according to my little Oxford dictionary....means:
1. being harmonies with other persons....
2. being oneness....
3. to be connected due to sumting......

Among these three definitions....my definition of unity is that no.1......being harmonies....HARMONIES....yes...dets my exact definition of unity.....i dun hv to be the same religion with you...and i dun hv to be the same politic party with others.....

But sadly....nowadays political climate had confiscated the things we'd called FRIENDSHIP and UNITY....a friend had became fiend....an old friend who used to have a tete-a-tete with you had become an enemy....juz because of POLITICS!...what had happened to det friendship.?...what had happened to that very first lesson in school?...i know..some people will tell me to grow up and dun live in fairy land...politics is where tomorrow's friend is today's fiend and vice versa.....BUT! i still wanna call that humanity sense in  us!...of course i'm not living in a fairy land...and also... of course i'm not Barbie or Kent doll which you can dress me up with what you think a beautiful political manifestos and stay in that beautiful home without any says....i still have my own mind....

the difference is..i'll try to say NO in a HARMONY way...juz like in a Malay proverb..."try to pull a hair from the flour...but dun spill anything"....if u dun like sumting...dont juz erupt things inside that mind of yours without consideration....try to think others who u called FRIENDS....i quoted a saying from political party A...

"if u dun like sumone/sumting..it's ok..but dun turn dislike into hatred....."

I am sooo agreee with this statement...but sadly...every political party are doing the opposite...even the party who gave the statement.....this shows me...everyone is only good giving gimmick and being rhetoric!!..

I still remember when i was doing my industrial training in Lutong, Miri...and one day...me n my colleague went for a lunch together.....he is a non-moslem...we went for  'nasi campor'......so we separate to get what we want to eat...and when we return back to our table...he had asked me to excuse him for eating pork!...do i hate him? NO!...do i stop him from eating?...NO!...do i curse him: "ish! tulah juak cina tk mkn babi dpn aku..xtauk reti!" ( ishh!damn this chinese eating pork in front of me...got no sense!")..NOOOOO!!...

i told him to juz go on with his lunch...and after all, he made himself sat a bit far from me juz to respect my belief....but we still had our lunch, talk about work and laughing together!...should i felt disgust?... why?..he didnt shove the food in my mouth..he didnt put the pork in my plate...so why shud i felt disgusted?..anyone thinks i should?!then go **** yourself!..ooopssss...sorry...i'd over reacted....that is sooo bad of me..

My point is....don't be sooo selfish during this election time....practice give and take....respect others....maintain friendship....retain the unity..dun think yourself as a paragon...even u think u r one...

I am neither pious nor cynical....i'm juz expressing my thoughts in a different way... look at the picture below...and rethink...rethink...and rethink....i couldnt ask for more...juz for our beloved Sarawak....peaceeeee!!

 A church and mosque side by side in Lutong, Miri, Sarawak (credits picture to miricommunity.net)


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent