Aku Wanita Biasa

Aku urang Sarawak, tapi bukan urang Kuching..

Tentang Aku

Aku urang Sarawak tapi bukan urang Kuching...berjantinakan perempuan sejak dilahirkan..suka bloya..suka ngerepak..mun ko rs bes..joinla blog aku...sbb Aku Wanita Biasa yg suka berblog juak.

About Me

I'm a Sarawakian but does not originate from Kuching...a female since i was born..a talkative and loves to babble a lot..if u think u r det great..do join my blog..because i'm juz an Ordinary Woman, who also likes to blog.

Japanese Cuisine: Yakiniku

Well..dets the word to describe the great taste of YAKINIKU....
It's a Japanese cuisine for i'm a Japanese food lover...
How does it looks like?
Let's c d pic below

Doesn't it look yummy?with the tender fried beef....the salad...the fresh fruits....the seaweed...hmmmpphhhh!!

there...my hubby is enjoying his dinner...

And me.....Yakiniku with green jasmine tea without sugar...good for health...

Where to get it?...Please visit The Spring Foodcourt (Japanese stall)..

I'm having a good taste..how bout you?

2 org suka aku:

  1. Anonymous said...

    YAKINIKU(in BM...yakinilah aku)..nyaman oooo....reganya around RM15 camya...kat The Spring...

  2. Aku Wanita Biasa said...

    yes..saya Yakin!..hehe..nyam2..

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