Aku Wanita Biasa

Aku urang Sarawak, tapi bukan urang Kuching..

Tentang Aku

Aku urang Sarawak tapi bukan urang Kuching...berjantinakan perempuan sejak dilahirkan..suka bloya..suka ngerepak..mun ko rs bes..joinla blog aku...sbb Aku Wanita Biasa yg suka berblog juak.

About Me

I'm a Sarawakian but does not originate from Kuching...a female since i was born..a talkative and loves to babble a lot..if u think u r det great..do join my blog..because i'm juz an Ordinary Woman, who also likes to blog.

Eating?..Who's Paying?

"Equality has happen, yet women still expect men to pay for dinner...."

Salam 1 Malaysia semua....today is Monday..and as usual...Monday always been a slow n boring day...no matter how many papers on the desk...tasks to be finished..sighhh..........it will never end..
But..i still have time to share my thoughts with you..well..whoever reading my post....well...back to my quote (scroll back up there!)...Women still expect men to pay for dinner?....hehe... i loike the quote...

It is true we WOMEN always shout their right for equality and rights..but when it comes to money...we always expect MEN to pay for the food......Most man will be unsatisfied with this statement and ask WHY?The MEN had learned to accept that women can do the same thing they can do but why women still RESIST to PAY for anything...

i dunno bout every other women felt bout this...but personally for me..i still expect MY MAN to pay for my food...it's not because i want to take advantage...but most of the main reason is i felt SECURE...MEN used to be called a family protector long2 time ago...So feeling secure is sumting that women always hunt for...Their instinct automatically sense the feeling of security because they knew no matter how hard life will be..they still can eat n survive for another day.....furthermore, paying for the food reflect how well the mens' financial is...
if u can't help a girl to eat...then help urself first dude before courting a women!...

But why FOOD?....why not other things?...well..it's not that we don't want MEN to pay for other things...but, u may call it consideration...women who have their own earning can buy other stuff without being worried about no food to eat....OR..they juz want to keep the money for future...if u ask a women wat the money is for...you wont get a precise and consistent answer...because...all they want to do is to SAVE the money to feel SECURE in case in future they might need it..and again...WOMEN like to be SECURE...
So...LELAKI di luar sana (yg single shj ok!)...kalau rs ssh nk tackle WANITA(single shj ok!)...ikut la tips aku ni...beri perasaan SECURE kpd mereka.....

And...not least....lucky i'm in love with MY MAN...

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