Heyyaaa.....Salaammmm to all...i'm back from my not so a vacation's vacation...i wont be blurting out the details of my trip to KL...though i'm extremely delighted to type bout it...but i guess..let the trip remain my secret and d only thing i want to post in my entry today is about the airline i used.WHAT??!!AIRLINE?...yeahh i know it sounds boring....but i still want to xpress my feeling about my flight xperience..."halooo!Aku Wanita Biasa,YOU NEVER USE A FLIGHT BEFORE?"....yeah..yeahh...it wasnt my first time but still i want to share this not so tremendous experiece..please keep reading...
Basically i'm posting bout the airline due to the experiences i've been thru recently...have you experience a terrible landing xperience?..honestly speaking...i'd nvr felt scared during take off or landing...but last Friday i freak out during landing in KLIA thanks to the unknown pilot...Everyone on board (i dunno bout the steward/stewardess) thought the flight gonna turn upside down during the touch down..IT WAS A ROUGH LANDING!!!..i even hold the chair in front off me to even my self and everyone start to make noises showing their panic faces (including me!)...
Thank God Syukur Alhamdulillah i'm still alive to type bout that xperience..after the rough and shaky
landing..few were able to smile and joke around: "Pilot ni masih lesen P ka?"...alahaiii.....siapala pilot hari itew....That was the worst landing ever in my flight experience...i'd nvr felt that scared even when i first used the youngest airlines in Malaysia...well Malaysia Airlines..you shud do sumting because i rili like using u as my default air transportation though ur price are much2 higher...how could the older airline make that mistake?...not forget to mention..the pilot didnt even says sorry to the passenger on board..people had been paying for a higer price juz for 1 reason which is BETTER SERVICE!And if safe landing is not a service...then everyone shud buy their own parachute to land whenever they want!
Does anyone had xperience the same feeling bout the take off/landing using both our contending air transportation?...share with me...we'll c if it was only a bad day for me... or the landing/take off on both airlines are totally different!
Aku Wanita Biasa had been travelling various size of air transportation from helicopter, Twin-Otter, Fokker, Airbus and even the largest Boeing in Bussiness Class.