"Tulah cina tk! Makan babi depan aku!"
Warning: This post may cause uneasiness to some people..Read, if u think u won't be affected...
I used to ignore everything about politics..i used to ignore any political gags....Some may said i'm a naive....some may said...well..."you're a Sarawakian..dets y u r like det".....yes...i may be naive in politic..i may be a toddler in politics or even a fetus in political agenda...but..what i know and still clinging to are much bigger than political agenda...what i'm holding rite now is sumting that are more important than any political manifestos....
Do you still remember...how were your first day in school when u 're still a child?...well..if u don't..let me rewind it for u....
You felt a bit insecure...sensing and perceiving every new things around you....mummy's not here...daddy's not here....or maybe....they were there..but only for a while....the first thing your teacher will ask u to do is...to introduce yourself...(different school may hv different approach...but ice-breaking definitely a must!).......what i want to point out is...the main purpose for the ice-breaking is to enable you to make friends.....you open up yourself to others...to see the existence of you....to recognize yourself and your friends.........then.....you called yourself a FRIEND to someone you juz knew.....and that's when sumting called FRIENDSHIP started......
Unity....according to my little Oxford dictionary....means:
1. being harmonies with other persons....
2. being oneness....
3. to be connected due to sumting......
Among these three definitions....my definition of unity is that no.1......being harmonies....HARMONIES....yes...dets my exact definition of unity.....i dun hv to be the same religion with you...and i dun hv to be the same politic party with others.....
But sadly....nowadays political climate had confiscated the things we'd called FRIENDSHIP and UNITY....a friend had became fiend....an old friend who used to have a tete-a-tete with you had become an enemy....juz because of POLITICS!...what had happened to det friendship.?...what had happened to that very first lesson in school?...i know..some people will tell me to grow up and dun live in fairy land...politics is where tomorrow's friend is today's fiend and vice versa.....BUT! i still wanna call that humanity sense in us!...of course i'm not living in a fairy land...and also... of course i'm not Barbie or Kent doll which you can dress me up with what you think a beautiful political manifestos and stay in that beautiful home without any says....i still have my own mind....
the difference is..i'll try to say NO in a HARMONY way...juz like in a Malay proverb..."try to pull a hair from the flour...but dun spill anything"....if u dun like sumting...dont juz erupt things inside that mind of yours without consideration....try to think others who u called FRIENDS....i quoted a saying from political party A...
"if u dun like sumone/sumting..it's ok..but dun turn dislike into hatred....."
I am sooo agreee with this statement...but sadly...every political party are doing the opposite...even the party who gave the statement.....this shows me...everyone is only good giving gimmick and being rhetoric!!..
I still remember when i was doing my industrial training in Lutong, Miri...and one day...me n my colleague went for a lunch together.....he is a non-moslem...we went for 'nasi campor'......so we separate to get what we want to eat...and when we return back to our table...he had asked me to excuse him for eating pork!...do i hate him? NO!...do i stop him from eating?...NO!...do i curse him: "ish! tulah juak cina tk mkn babi dpn aku..xtauk reti!" ( ishh!damn this chinese eating pork in front of me...got no sense!")..NOOOOO!!...
i told him to juz go on with his lunch...and after all, he made himself sat a bit far from me juz to respect my belief....but we still had our lunch, talk about work and laughing together!...should i felt disgust?... why?..he didnt shove the food in my mouth..he didnt put the pork in my plate...so why shud i felt disgusted?..anyone thinks i should?!then go **** yourself!..ooopssss...sorry...i'd over reacted....that is sooo bad of me..
My point is....don't be sooo selfish during this election time....practice give and take....respect others....maintain friendship....retain the unity..dun think yourself as a paragon...even u think u r one...
I am neither pious nor cynical....i'm juz expressing my thoughts in a different way... look at the picture below...and rethink...rethink...and rethink....i couldnt ask for more...juz for our beloved Sarawak....peaceeeee!!
A church and mosque side by side in Lutong, Miri, Sarawak (credits picture to miricommunity.net)
I like that..yala kita kat sarawak jak paham harmoni tok..which is 2 way tolerance